Wednesday, December 19, 2012

You are Invited ...

Cordially Inviting Everyone...

CU Graduate School Christmas Party

The Graduate School of Capitol University has celebrated Christmas in a meaningful gathering at Chali Beach Resort on December 15, 2012. With the theme: 'JESUS is the reason for the season", the occasion has ignited the graduate school fellows with their professors in celebrating Christmas in a more significant manner. As such, everyone is encouraged to be grateful to God at all times, good or tough. No less than Dean Cimene and VP Lu Aves have encouraged everyone to enjoy God's blessings especially in the Yuletide season. The presence of some professors in this party has also added color to the celebration. Dance , on the spot parlor games , food and smiles indeed make the day of celebration.


Reading  Mark 10:46-52 has led me to realize few but important considerations when asking something from the Lord. In this text, Bartimaeus is a blind man who desires to get healed but has not given the opportunity to do so until a remarkable day happens to his life. That day was when Jesus passes by along the roadside where he was sitting and begging money. Without hesitation, he shouted boldly to get his attention. He was rebuked by the disciples of Jesus , yet he shouted even more thus catching Jesus attention. Eventually , Bartimaeus gets healed and followed Jesus wholeheartedly.

From this story, you can learn significant lessons to live by. Firstly, there is a need to sincerely and boldy ask Jesus about your needs in life. Without hesitation , you must come before his presence with humility. Secondly, you need to be persistent in asking your prayer requests. There may be some obstacles  in seeking what you need from the Lord, yet you need to be determined in knocking the door of his heart for surely he will open it for you. Thirdly, you need to be specific in whatever your need maybe. When Bartimaeus was asked what does he want, he boldy says’” I want to see” .Lastly, you need to be thankful to God by wholeheartedly following Jesus’ teachings . By living a consistent life with Jesus , you enable yourself to be connected with him  ; thus, enjoying every form of blessing along the way.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

PYAP Drug Symposium

"Saying NO to Drugs is the safest way of avoiding the temptation of using prohibited drugs", an answer given to a participant during the Pag-asa Youth Association of the Philippines' Drug Symposium held at the ABC Hall , Gingoog City on November 22, 2012. Being one of the two speakers in this forum has brought me the privilege of sharing to the participants the value of spirituality in dealing  with the challenges of drug abuse.  In behalf of Gingoog City Mayor Ruth Guingona, the concurrent Chairperson of Gingoog Movement Against Immorality and Drug Addiction ( GMAIDA) , I admonished the participants pertaining to  the harmful effects  of drug abuse and immorality. Being the Vice Chair of GMAIDA, I am more than committed to do the task without hesitation.

No less than SPO2 Arnold Sala of PNP Gingoog Police Station had discussed the criminal and penalty laws behind drug abuse including reproduction and selling of illegal drugs. The symposium was participated by around 60 youth leaders in Gingoog City . Each leader  participant is the youth representative of the 79 barangays of Gingoog City. Hopefully, they could extend the information they have learned to their respective constituents. Most importantly, these leaders are expected to become the prime movers  against any form of drug abuse in their respective community.

Regional Data Dissemination of NSO 10

I had the privilege to  attend the Regional Data Dissemination of 2010 Survey of Information and Communication Technology ( SICT) and 2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry, respectively for Northern Mindanao on November 19, 2012 at Chali Beach Resort.  The occasion is highlighted with the keynote speech of Dr. Francis Thaise Cimene, CU Graduate School Dean. Under the able leadership of Dr. Salvador Aves, NSO 10 Regional Director, the entire afternoon program is more than a success. Participated by various sectors of the society, the data could certainly guide businessmen, policy makers ,  enterprises and government officials to pursue business undertakings relevant to the needs of the society. In region 10, it appears that Manufacturing industry generates highest value added. Out of 88,028 workers in Northern Mindanao,  the average monthly income of each worker is posted at P 12,511. 

In terms of Information Technology, NCR had the highest usage of computers ( 98.5%) ,  highest proportion of internet connection ( 94.8%) , highest proportion with website ( 55.1%), highest proportion of e-commerce transaction (39.1%). Internet usage for establishments  according to the survey revealed that it was  highly intended for obtaining information from government agencies. ( 78%).

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Having completed the academic requirements of Doctor of Management in full load for three semesters and two summers is worth gratifying to God . Indeed days are running so fast since I'll be finalizing my paper for the final round, the dissertation , this semester. Furthermore, I need to be thankful as well to God for giving me the opportunity to teach as part time Graduate School Professor at Capitol University. The  assignment, as I would say, will bring me into higher gear of my career as an educator.  It is indeed worth time and effort spending in facilitating learning and teaching among professionals in the academe.

Inspite of these breaks, there are a number of challenges as well that are disappointing yet when dealt in God's perspective make you a stronger person. As such, I am still thankful for these pains. Without them, I could not have gained a wider view about life. Through these problems, I get more closer to God for I usually deal them in the knees of  prayers and moments of quite time and reflections.

In totality, I am always thankful for everything. I reckon that  the present inconveniences could not surpass the greater glory that God has prepared for  everyone. In my case, I am always hopeful for the best things to come in my life for my family and that of others. I may be pressured in various ways yet I am confident that He who started a good work in my life will finish it through.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Man's Worthiness

What is man’s worth? Can it be measured by some sort of   measuring or evaluation tool ? Will his personal achievements gauge his worthiness i.e. degrees, bank deposits, career success, stable family and the like?  Will the impact of his life to other people be considered with high regard? Well, I supposed any of such thing may be the barometer of measuring one’s worthiness. But the fact remains that your worth is more than what you normally think of your self in the context of worldly views. In my opinion,  your value depends so much in your spiritual connection with your Creator. Since God himself gave his only son to save you from this rotten world, then obviously your life is  much of worth in His sight. However, since life’s perspectives of many is anchored  more  on what this life offers, no wonder they measure worthiness on that regard.  

With these , I am convinced that I am worth more than my natural mind can perceive and heart can feel. I must not bothered by how other  people perceives me in their  view of thinking. Instead , I must be swayed by how my Creator views me as a person. My God  sees me worthy beyond measure thus I must live within that notion. Seeing myself beyond what this life could offer means a lot to me. As such no amount of disappointments and possible failures will cease me to aspire greater things for his glory. After all I have only a life to live and living to the full is something  I desire to live day by day J

Quite a privilege and a blessing to be part of the MUST delegation to represent the Board of Regents during PASUC's National Convention at Manila Hotel on October 15-17, 2012. No less than MUST and PASUC President, Dr. Ricardo E. Rotoras is spearheading the national convention that clearly defines the role of SUC's in national development.

Friday, October 12, 2012

LP's POWER TANDEM in Gingoog City ( those wearing in yellow)

From Left : Rick Guevarra, Rene Mission , Mayor Candidate MARIE GUINGONA and Vice Mayor ERIC CANOSA. This  was taken right after the Thanksgiving Service prior to their filing of candidacies at COMELEC , Gingoog City


Dr. Ricardo E. Rotoras,  the University President of Mindanao University of  Science and Technology  (MUST) and concurrently the President of Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges  is reappointed as UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT ( 2013-2017)  by the Board of Regents of MUST during its regular Board Meeting  on October  4, 2012. Being the Alumni Regent for five years is indeed a blessing and a privilege to serve MUST in its purest sense.

Birthday Greetings to Dr. Janeth Aves

Learning at CU Graduate School is both fun and substantial. We were privilege enough to have invited a staff from DSWD who made a remarkable presentation about Anti - Child Abuse Law. With us in the picture are our invited resource speaker and ever dynamic professor, Dr. Salvador Aves.
In my quest for chancellorship in a state university of the region, I had the opportunity to get an endorsement from Senator Koko Pimentel at his office in Pasig City. Indeed , it  was an experience beyond compare considering that the senator himself handed to me his endorsement.  I may lost the war of the election yet I have gained much exposure and experience that money can't buy.

It's BRIAN's, my youngest son, Birthday !

My youngest son, James Brian, whom we consider our little baby years ago is now a full blown boy. In his early childhood years, we thought that he was quite and a preserved fellow. But to our surprise he appears to outsmart his siblings at age 10. He talks intelligently, works smartly,

Husbands love your wives

“Husbands , love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her , that He might sanctify  and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word .” ( Ephesians 5:24)

This verse simply puts the husband in the best position of his life … to love his wife. For me, it is more than a commandment but a commitment call for all husbands to rally behind the nourishing and cherishing their wives just as Christ does to the church. In the precedent verses , wives are called to submit to their husbands which is a Godly thing to do. However, there may be a question floating as to who do the first move then, the submitting wife or the loving husband ?  In my point of view, both must exert the effort in doing their share of building a strong relationship. But if we take a glimpse of what the Bible says on this regard, I understand that it was Christ who loved the church first. By giving his life for the salvation of his people, he has proven beyond reasonable doubt that his love towards them is pure and sincere. Thereafter, the church begins to submit herself before him without question. It is to this effect that I am  challenging all husbands in this generation to love their respective wives just as Christ loved his church. We must prove not only to ourselves but to God that we are his obedient children that seeks to glorify him in everything that we do.

Privileged to be inducted as SBO President of CU Graduate School for School Year 2012-2013. The Inducting Officer is no less than Governor Oscar Moreno of Misamis Oriental.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mass Wedding on Valentine's Day

On yearly basis, a mass wedding initiated by the office of the City Mayor of Gingoog City, is held  every Valentines Day. For this year, I am privileged enough to be invited by the Chief Local Civil Registar, Mrs. Josefina Balsamo  to render a message to the newly wed couple numbering more or less 50 pairs. No less than City Mayor Ruth Guingona officiated the wedding ceremony  with the representatives from the Provinical National Statistics Office headed by Mrs. Marilou Igdon. The occasion is also guested by City Councilors Mai Mercado and Tetet Mortiz-Arao, ABC President Jun Militante and Philippine Redcross Gingoog City Chapter Chairperson Marie Guingona.