Friday, October 12, 2012

Husbands love your wives

“Husbands , love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her , that He might sanctify  and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word .” ( Ephesians 5:24)

This verse simply puts the husband in the best position of his life … to love his wife. For me, it is more than a commandment but a commitment call for all husbands to rally behind the nourishing and cherishing their wives just as Christ does to the church. In the precedent verses , wives are called to submit to their husbands which is a Godly thing to do. However, there may be a question floating as to who do the first move then, the submitting wife or the loving husband ?  In my point of view, both must exert the effort in doing their share of building a strong relationship. But if we take a glimpse of what the Bible says on this regard, I understand that it was Christ who loved the church first. By giving his life for the salvation of his people, he has proven beyond reasonable doubt that his love towards them is pure and sincere. Thereafter, the church begins to submit herself before him without question. It is to this effect that I am  challenging all husbands in this generation to love their respective wives just as Christ loved his church. We must prove not only to ourselves but to God that we are his obedient children that seeks to glorify him in everything that we do.

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