Friday, July 17, 2009

God is Merciful

One thing that I am grateful and appreciative to our God is that after the ordeal of the unfaithfulness of his people like Israel, he restores them in his great mercy. Fueled by the sinfulness of Israel through the life of Gomer who lives in harlotry in her lifetime, she gets punished and ultimately destroyed for her shameful actions. She gets naked and nowhere to run into during the period of punishment. This I believe is true upon those people who defy God’s commandments and insist to live in wickedness. Gomer has been reminded by Hosea , her husband, to stay away from seeking other men and instead be focused to him and their children. Yet she lives her own way. However, this does not deter Hosea to accept and love her wife especially every time she returns to his arm fold. In the same manner, this could be the attitude of people who refuse to live in God’s way. Consequently, in the course of time God restores Israel because of his loving mercy. The restoration is not inspired by the remorse of his people but by his nature of being so forgiving and merciful. As such he promises to cherish them in love and care and assures them of his protection from imminent danger.

It is wonderful to contemplate the goodness of God . He is incomparable. Inspite of man’s cyclical mistakes, he forgives them readily because of his abundant mercy. His very nature is coated with much love, care and mercy. In times of moment that you feel low , will it be a moment then to come to God in humility? He is there to accept as your friend and even more intimately as your lover. He loves you that much that He gave his life on the cross for you to be saved from eternal death. Accept him today in your heart and undoubtedly your life will never be the same aga

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