Wednesday, July 29, 2009


NO WORRIES is one of Aussie's expression which means "no problem", "it's alright", "you're welcome", "everything is under control", "It's OK", and " I don't mind". These are just perhaps few of the meanings I could think of while staying in this country for more than a year now. This phrase is timely to consider with since people today are worried much of the life's various circumstances. People today are worried about their future, food, clothing, shelter, health , physical well being, finances, education , business, relationships, death, debts , failures and the like. However, the bible encourages everyone to be worry free and leave worries of its own. Certainly , worrying doesn't help solve the problem instead creates more problems. A colleague in the workplace once said that worries make life stressful. In Australia alone, a recent survey reveals that 9 out 10 adults are experiencing stress in their daily living. Moreover, worries create sickness; break relationship; steal happiness; enhance negative outlook and affect physical, emotional and mental well being. Thus , why worry if confronted with various lapses in life. Why don't you just be happy and make the best of what the day brings. Instead of being worried, why don't you just be HAPPY :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Challenging Days

The days went by were challenging; however, the days coming are more challenging yet inspiring since new things will come. Keeping oneself excited on daily basis requires an optimistic perspective of life. Otherwise, one will be drifted away into the river of disappointments. Everyday, I suppose is a new day. Whatever lapses of yesterdays, one has to leave it behind or else it will haunt him all his days with regrets and sorrows. Thus, we need to wake up each morning with an end view of our mind that something good will happen within the day even to the extent of turning challenges into opportunities and opportunities into fulfilling our dreams. Have a blessed day to everyone :)

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The Falling Down

The incident in Hosea 8 portrays the apostasy of Israel against the will of their God. They reject what appears to be good thus their enemies have the opportunity to pursue and destroy them eventually. They set up their own kings rather than acknowledging the his kingship. As a result , God has dealt his people in a way that they realize that above all things, He is in control of everything. All their efforts turn to be futile as they reap nothing from what they have sown. If ever there is produce, their enemies swallow them easily. Clearly, this is an indication of God’s wrath against his people who opted to live renegade lives.

How many of you are locked up in a situation like this ? That whatever you do, life seems to be hard and unfavorable to you. You feel disgusted and ultimately disappointed of what life brings. Thus , you may be thinking that this is the way that your life should be. If that so, then can you not question yourself about God’s promises of joy, peace and abundance?

I reckon that one’s life would really be miserable if God is not Lord in it. Unless the Lord builds the house, the labor is in vain. Life is meaningless and without form if Jesus is not the king and lord of it. Just like the Israelites who opted to live in their own even to the point of rejecting the commandments of God. As a result, they ended up miserable. But is it too late now to avail God’s privileges in your life? Do you still have the chance to enjoy the fullness of God’s goodness? Certainly, I would say a big YESSSSSSSSS. God is a god of many second chances. As you approach HIM in full humility and allows him to dwell in your heart, God surely brings you up from Falling Down. Indeed HE is a great restorer.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


While walking across the road towards the train station, my mind travels into contemplating the concerns on RELATIONSHIP. What is relationship? How does it affect one's life? In this blog, relationship is referred to a boy-girl thing. Others perceive that relationship can either build or break you. In the positive side, it creates an atmosphere of ENCOURAGEMENT as the couple shares views on life and enjoys them in the intimacy of togetherness. As days go by, relationship enhances life's EXPERIENCE. Certainly this aspect enables one to be more resilient to life's situations considering the various experiences encountered. This relationship thing also makes the couple EVOLVE in various aspects of life. As person changes from worst to better , it is one thing worth living for especially so that each one seeks sensible improvement in his/her life. At the outset of this stuff are the impending immediate concerns which depicts relationship as EMOTIONAL, EROTIC and EXPENSIVE. When the boy or girl is too emotional in their relationship to the point that feelings supersede reasoning, certainly problems occur. One has to mix properly the ingredients of relationship to end up a good one. Needless to say, relationship is also EROTIC. Erotic love is a type of love towards opposite sex. Unfortunately, nowadays most couples are trapped into the so called "pre-marital" sex which is obviously pioneered by a western culture. In Australia alone, teenagers reaching 18 can live independently with the support of the government thus most of them ended up an intimate erotic relationship with their partners under a "live in" lifestyle mode. As a result it becomes a usual thing then to have a kind of life like this. This, I strongly disagree since moral issues are at stake in this practice which obviously defies God's sanctity of sex and marriage. Lastly , a relationship requires money thus it becomes EXPENSIVE. Nothing in this world is free, thus a considerable amount is spent for upholding a relationship. For those who have meager income or even no job at all, they will surely be in trouble on this regard :)

Citing the pros and cons of a RELATIONSHIP is for one to regard considerably in his view of living. As each one is given by God the ability to think and feel , it is just a challenging task for all concern to weigh things in accordance to his convictions or standards of living. But one thing is sure that personal convictions are oftentimes biased thus there is a need to hinge one's perspectives with a certain norm believed to be the truth.

Argument or Agreement ?

Argument is defined as a discourse intended to persuade ( Merriam - Webster dictionary). An argument could be constructive and destructive in nature. If the discussion leads to a mutual understanding then it could be constructive; however , if it leads to misunderstanding , eventually it could be destructive. Say for instance , in a boy-girl relationship where the man insists his own opinion while the woman does otherwise. Initially, a discussion occurs that leads into a healthy conversation. Nevertheless, if one or both are impatient during the process of exchanging ideas, the argument will certainly lead to building up walls instead of creating more bridges. But in the event that they are both open minded and willing to be wounded in worst cases , then most probably the argument would wind up a sensible argument. As such , agreement emerges. This process could be hurting but essential for the real issue of reason to emerge undeprived.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

God is our great help

Because of Israel’s insistence of living a life of defiance against God, they suffered impending judgment of their wickedness (Hosea 6) . As a result , they sought help from other nations which resulted to be futile ultimately. However , as days went by, God made himself available for his people to seek his face in their moments of miseries. The biblical scenario could be compared typically with anybody’s situation in our current times. As people seek their own way of ungodly living corresponding miseries pop out ; nevertheless , God makes himself accessible by his people to seek his face with humility. It is only through acknowledging God’s help and mercy that one could achieve real peace in his heart and mind. How about you my dearest friend? Are you confronted with situation where no one seems to help you? Are you in a certain mode of crisis that you seem to give up because the pressure is so much to tackle? If so, be like David who faced Goliath with courage and confidence. With a bold declaration of faith and action he defeated Goliath which is considered by many as giant and undefeated so long. He gained victory since he completely trusted his God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly in his life. I believe as well that if you simply put your confidence in the Lord, you will emerge a winner instead of being a loser. You come out a victor instead of being a victim. You appear a conqueror instead of being defeated. Indeed God is our great help especially in times of trouble.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Unconditional Love

Inspite of Hosea’s wife unfaithfulness by being with men for pleasure and money, he is told to accept his wife with love and care ( Hosea 3). Without defiance, Hosea meekly buys presents for his wife and loves her again unreservedly. This scenario portrays the unconditional love of God towards his people who lives unfaithfully to him by serving other gods and living their lives uncontrollably. In your life, how many times have you hurt God in various ways? How many times have you prioritized things in this world rather than the things of above? Most probably you would argue that this is how the world is going; thus, you are adapting what the world is demanding. Yet , you know in your inner most being that something is lacking inside of you as you sway yourself away from the things of God and opted to live according to the desires of your body. That vacuum inside of you begins to tinkle in your being and asks numerous puzzling questions. If that happens to you now, undoubtedly you are about to return to the arm fold of your loving God. As you humbly seek him with all your heart, God is going to restore you and gives you inner peace that the world couldn’t offer. Just allow him to dwell in your heart and you be assured that his unconditional love will help you make through.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

God is Merciful

One thing that I am grateful and appreciative to our God is that after the ordeal of the unfaithfulness of his people like Israel, he restores them in his great mercy. Fueled by the sinfulness of Israel through the life of Gomer who lives in harlotry in her lifetime, she gets punished and ultimately destroyed for her shameful actions. She gets naked and nowhere to run into during the period of punishment. This I believe is true upon those people who defy God’s commandments and insist to live in wickedness. Gomer has been reminded by Hosea , her husband, to stay away from seeking other men and instead be focused to him and their children. Yet she lives her own way. However, this does not deter Hosea to accept and love her wife especially every time she returns to his arm fold. In the same manner, this could be the attitude of people who refuse to live in God’s way. Consequently, in the course of time God restores Israel because of his loving mercy. The restoration is not inspired by the remorse of his people but by his nature of being so forgiving and merciful. As such he promises to cherish them in love and care and assures them of his protection from imminent danger.

It is wonderful to contemplate the goodness of God . He is incomparable. Inspite of man’s cyclical mistakes, he forgives them readily because of his abundant mercy. His very nature is coated with much love, care and mercy. In times of moment that you feel low , will it be a moment then to come to God in humility? He is there to accept as your friend and even more intimately as your lover. He loves you that much that He gave his life on the cross for you to be saved from eternal death. Accept him today in your heart and undoubtedly your life will never be the same aga

Thursday, July 16, 2009

God's Agenda Prevails

Over the course of history, it’s always God’s agenda that prevails against the human desires of his creation. Although, he gives them complete freedom to live after their own convictions yet God finds ways that he could bring them into his attention. The life of Prophet Hosea is a perfect example to ponder on as God instructed the prophet to marry Gomer , a harlot ( Hosea 1) . Just as a prostitute like Gomer is unfaithful by having a great number of men to please with, God’s people , the Israel have been also unfaithful to God by serving other gods and living in wickedness. Inspite of the shame and ridicule that Hosea receives from marrying and even having children with Gomer, still he remains focus to obeying God’s commandments. In many of life’s instances, a leader has to give up his personal comfort and desires just to serve the purposes of God. It may be shameful and quite humiliating yet it gives glory and honor to God who navigates the journey of life. With this, a question could be thrown to you … Can you do what Hosea have done? Are you willing to give up personal concerns in lieu of God’s purposes? Will you be tough like Hosea who overcomes all criticisms

Sunday, July 5, 2009

GOD Works in mysterious ways

Being grateful to God in whatever circumstances is what I learned in this so called "life" over these years. This has been proven again by my desire to attend to Hillsong Conference 2009 with Guest Speakers like Pastors Joel and Victoria Osteen on July 7 - 10 , 2009 at Acer Arena, Sydney Olympic Pary, Sydney , Australia. When I checked the conference web site, the conference was already in full capacity . I tried to negotiate with the conference staff through phone yet it was unsuccessful due to the inavailability of tickets. Thus , I reflected for a while and decided to email Joel Osteen and even the Hillsong Senior Pastor, Brian Houston on this regard. Deep in my heart, I believe that God will intervene in mysterious ways. Until this time no reply is sent to my request. But along the way, something happened which is orchestrated by the hands of God. The other Sunday , a friend at Sydney Hope Church approached me and inquired if I've got interest of joining the conference. Without a second thought I nod and got the ticket right away and thanking God for his immeasurable miraculous ways. I reckon that this conference is once in a lifetime experience since attending such global gathering requires much financial resources. But thank God, his favor has extended in my life not only finishing my masters degree at UTS under the Ausaid scholarship program for one year but to avail the opportunity of experiencing God's special presence in this Hillsong Conference. I am indeed excited of what God will be doing in his CHURCH. Certainly it brings him much glory and honor :)