Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Falling Down

The incident in Hosea 8 portrays the apostasy of Israel against the will of their God. They reject what appears to be good thus their enemies have the opportunity to pursue and destroy them eventually. They set up their own kings rather than acknowledging the his kingship. As a result , God has dealt his people in a way that they realize that above all things, He is in control of everything. All their efforts turn to be futile as they reap nothing from what they have sown. If ever there is produce, their enemies swallow them easily. Clearly, this is an indication of God’s wrath against his people who opted to live renegade lives.

How many of you are locked up in a situation like this ? That whatever you do, life seems to be hard and unfavorable to you. You feel disgusted and ultimately disappointed of what life brings. Thus , you may be thinking that this is the way that your life should be. If that so, then can you not question yourself about God’s promises of joy, peace and abundance?

I reckon that one’s life would really be miserable if God is not Lord in it. Unless the Lord builds the house, the labor is in vain. Life is meaningless and without form if Jesus is not the king and lord of it. Just like the Israelites who opted to live in their own even to the point of rejecting the commandments of God. As a result, they ended up miserable. But is it too late now to avail God’s privileges in your life? Do you still have the chance to enjoy the fullness of God’s goodness? Certainly, I would say a big YESSSSSSSSS. God is a god of many second chances. As you approach HIM in full humility and allows him to dwell in your heart, God surely brings you up from Falling Down. Indeed HE is a great restorer.

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