Thursday, November 22, 2012

PYAP Drug Symposium

"Saying NO to Drugs is the safest way of avoiding the temptation of using prohibited drugs", an answer given to a participant during the Pag-asa Youth Association of the Philippines' Drug Symposium held at the ABC Hall , Gingoog City on November 22, 2012. Being one of the two speakers in this forum has brought me the privilege of sharing to the participants the value of spirituality in dealing  with the challenges of drug abuse.  In behalf of Gingoog City Mayor Ruth Guingona, the concurrent Chairperson of Gingoog Movement Against Immorality and Drug Addiction ( GMAIDA) , I admonished the participants pertaining to  the harmful effects  of drug abuse and immorality. Being the Vice Chair of GMAIDA, I am more than committed to do the task without hesitation.

No less than SPO2 Arnold Sala of PNP Gingoog Police Station had discussed the criminal and penalty laws behind drug abuse including reproduction and selling of illegal drugs. The symposium was participated by around 60 youth leaders in Gingoog City . Each leader  participant is the youth representative of the 79 barangays of Gingoog City. Hopefully, they could extend the information they have learned to their respective constituents. Most importantly, these leaders are expected to become the prime movers  against any form of drug abuse in their respective community.

Regional Data Dissemination of NSO 10

I had the privilege to  attend the Regional Data Dissemination of 2010 Survey of Information and Communication Technology ( SICT) and 2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry, respectively for Northern Mindanao on November 19, 2012 at Chali Beach Resort.  The occasion is highlighted with the keynote speech of Dr. Francis Thaise Cimene, CU Graduate School Dean. Under the able leadership of Dr. Salvador Aves, NSO 10 Regional Director, the entire afternoon program is more than a success. Participated by various sectors of the society, the data could certainly guide businessmen, policy makers ,  enterprises and government officials to pursue business undertakings relevant to the needs of the society. In region 10, it appears that Manufacturing industry generates highest value added. Out of 88,028 workers in Northern Mindanao,  the average monthly income of each worker is posted at P 12,511. 

In terms of Information Technology, NCR had the highest usage of computers ( 98.5%) ,  highest proportion of internet connection ( 94.8%) , highest proportion with website ( 55.1%), highest proportion of e-commerce transaction (39.1%). Internet usage for establishments  according to the survey revealed that it was  highly intended for obtaining information from government agencies. ( 78%).

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Having completed the academic requirements of Doctor of Management in full load for three semesters and two summers is worth gratifying to God . Indeed days are running so fast since I'll be finalizing my paper for the final round, the dissertation , this semester. Furthermore, I need to be thankful as well to God for giving me the opportunity to teach as part time Graduate School Professor at Capitol University. The  assignment, as I would say, will bring me into higher gear of my career as an educator.  It is indeed worth time and effort spending in facilitating learning and teaching among professionals in the academe.

Inspite of these breaks, there are a number of challenges as well that are disappointing yet when dealt in God's perspective make you a stronger person. As such, I am still thankful for these pains. Without them, I could not have gained a wider view about life. Through these problems, I get more closer to God for I usually deal them in the knees of  prayers and moments of quite time and reflections.

In totality, I am always thankful for everything. I reckon that  the present inconveniences could not surpass the greater glory that God has prepared for  everyone. In my case, I am always hopeful for the best things to come in my life for my family and that of others. I may be pressured in various ways yet I am confident that He who started a good work in my life will finish it through.