Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wives submit to your husbands

“Wives , submit to your own husbands , as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife , as also as Christ is head of the church and He is the savior of the body. Therefore , just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to there own husbands in everything.” (Ephesians 5:22-24)

A triple of verses above simply implies the importance of submission in a husband and wife marital relationship. As such, I do not consider these verses as ordinary as what might perceived of but rather a topic that brings much blessings if taken in God’s perspective. The act of submission of the wife is compared to the submission of the church to  Christ as head of the church. Every Christian believer for that matter would agree with me in believing that Christ is the ultimate head of the church; thus , total act of worship and adoration is given to him. As a result, the church has been blessed by God overwhelmingly. In the same manner as the wife submits herself to her husband in everything as commanded, the latter does not only receive favor from her husband but a blessing from God who in the first place has this instruction. However, I can’t just understand why a significant number of wives has difficulty in doing so. Would it be because their respective husbands do not deserve that degree of submission just as Christ is respected. Would it be because the husband fails to show his love to his wife?    Nonetheless, if the husband makes the first move of showing his love to his wife just as Christ took the bold step of loving the church  first, submission of wife to her husband I supposed would not be a problem :)

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