Thursday, September 30, 2010


Watching the various talents of our students in various forms makes me feel more proud as an educator for a number of years now. Yesterday is a significant day among GITians because we had our opening salvo of the three-day GIT SPORTSFEST 2010. The cheering squad competition is amazing as the three competing teams showcased their curves, moves and music. I love it :) The Search for Mr. and Miss GIT 2010 adds color to the opening program. The team's yell, chant and energy makes the sporting event something to be cherished this school year.  The parlor games makes me feel thrilled as students shouted joyfully without hesitation. Certainly , these students have something to prove to themselves and to the entire GIT community. God bless GIT !

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Overcoming Discouragement

A Moment with SP

I take it  both an opportunity and privilege to open the Sangguniang Panglungsod Regular Session with  a word of exhortation and prayer this morning . I was sharing to the city councilors and  vice mayor of Gingoog City regarding the kind of life that matters. It is indeed a wake up call for everyone including myself to reckon with much intent the motivation of  living  daily.  In the scripture, Job is a perfect example of living to glorify God. He was considered as one of the wealthiest man in the East before; however, he was put to test when he lost everything including his children. In spite of his predicament , he never cursed God instead he worshipped him wholeheartedly. At the end, eventually God restored his wealth, family and infirmity-stricken body because he never ceases to honor God.

Since everything in this world belongs to God, we have no right to boast anything. Indeed ,  we are just stewards of his resources. In the event that we are striving in this so called life, we need therefore to live not only for ourselves but also for others. After all , that is what life is all about. Living for others J


It's been a while that I have our house goes into massive renovation since June 2010 . Obviously , the monetary expense is mounting since construction materials and carpentry labor are getting expensive. Nevertheless, upon looking the result, you would sigh with relief when things are done within the context of one's perspective or even beyond what is expected. Most of the repair works are restoration in nature which paves way for my liking on wood finish. The once old and stain narra doors become a glittering brown. The topcoat finish of polyurethane makes a classy look especially on furniture and the like. What astonish me also is the complete restoration of the narra wood stairs which look so untidy for years then. When my mom visited me recently, she teased me again and again that wherever she looks in the house, brown is dominating, her favorite color  of which a hate color of mine in my teen years. There was even a time that I convinced her to replace the wooden sala set with a modern foam set.

In totality, I am satisfied with my house renovation project :) It's not yet fully done yet because of financial  constraints; however, I believe in my heart that God's provision will help me finish the entire house renovation project before 2010 ends. Every peso spent for the project is worth spending especially so that from this property emerge another remarkable undertakings in the days ahead. My heart leaps with joy as I see the house in total renovation completion. Indeed it reflects God's glory and goodness in our lives. I do salute to my wife Susan who oversee the financial requirements of the project. Truly , a woman of dignity and of perseverance. Thus, I am still expecting  that with our partnership in this undertaking, we can make it through since God is able enough.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This year's Jubilee Charter celebration of Gingoog is highlighted by a remarkable night of the leadership and membership of Gingoog Movement Against Immorality and Drug Addiction (GMAIDA) and Church and Defense Council ( CADENCE) . The mini variety show last night showcased the God-given talents of the various religious organizations that seek to support Gingoog City in its quest for peace and prosperity. The night is highlighted by the presence of MAYOR RUTH GUINGONA and VICE MAYOR ERICK CANOSA who for the same took the privilege of being prayed upon as the rededication of Gingoog City is held  with much enthusiasm and united spirit. I reckon, that the event is one of the remarkable moments of Gingoog City as  years unfold. Certainly , the best is still to come for Gingoog who always aspire for greatness in public service, justice, economic development and moral upliftment.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Learning to be Humble

There is no traffic in the highway of humility...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Oath Taking Ceremony of Gingoog Elected Officials

Having been invited as one of the guests in the recent oath taking ceremonies of elected officials in Gingoog City is a great honor in my part. By 9 am , our beloved City Mayor Ruth Guingona and the Sangguniang Panglungsod members took their oath of office with much pride and commitment. By mid afternoon, a separate oath taking ceremony took place at the SP Session Hall that inducted Vice Mayor-elect Erick Canosa into office. Being a Gingoogon , I am inspired of their speeches that showcase their goals and aspirations for Gingoog City. It is then my fervent hope and prayer that they will remain true to their words. Service to humanity must be the primary reason of joining the political service; otherwise, they don't have the right reason for staying in public office. However, it can't be denied that political leaders in our recent times are marred with various intrigues and political bickering. This concerns me since it delays public service and affects societal development. Nevertheless, I am still hopeful that things go well in our city inspite of some disagreements of political leaders. If the general public uncompromisingly demand for genuine service from these politicians, I don't see any reason that they would refuse to heed the call; otherwise they will be facing the overwhelming urges of the people for genuine change.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Teaching at MUST is a privilege

Teaching in a prime university like Mindanao University of Science and Technology is both a privilege and an opportunity for me to prove my worthiness as an educator since 1989. My teaching career in this university commenced last summer 2010 with a handful of masteral students. Though the class is held for one-week whole day sessions, the learning experience is beyond compare. Elated by the positive remarks of the students, I am more bound to commit myself in the building of lives through New Learning. Moreover, this first semester of 2010 is a great challenge for me since I am tasked to equip 5 education undergraduate classes on Educational Technology. Though the class schedule is so tight; nevertheless, the job is inspiring as you see a growing significant number of students who are getting interested of the subject matter.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Barely 34 days from today, the Philippine electorate will rush to the polling precincts to cast their votes for the various elected positions in the government. From the President down to the councilor of every town and city, the filipinos will be choosing the "Leaders" who are perceived to help the entire nation in dismantling corruption and liberate the whole country from poverty, moral deprivation and economic downturns. In my opinion, the forthcoming automated election is historical since the various issues and concerns confronting our nation require competent, Godly and committed leaders. There is no reason at varying circumstances that the entire nation will be mistaken in choosing its leaders; otherwise, the country would be trapped again by politicians whose self-interests have destroyed the true essence of democracy. Regardless, of who the personalties are elected into office, my prayer would be in such a way that the ones who get elected will go beyond their comfort zones and seek better ways to elevate our beloved Philippines , comparable and even beyond our Asian countries-neighbors. To all of us FILIPINOS who thirst for genuine change , let it be that our votes come election will speak for itself. Let us not be swayed by the corrupt and traditional practices of politicians who buy votes instead of proving themselves that they can perform their jobs fair and square in the context of honesty, spirituality, vision, kindness, generosity and determination.

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Fulfilling Life

Today is another remarkable day to enjoy. Aside that it's Saturday, the weather is cool and relaxing. It's been weeks now that Gingoog City weather is quite cool. This may appear ridiculous to others but for me it keeps me going and kicking. Although , one thing I keenly notice that because of this weather phenomenon, I could hardly make my morning daily exercise of either walking or biking. After my morning devotion of prayer, word and meditation, I rush immediately to my workplace, GIT. My commitment towards work has improved this time . I could feel the passion of teaching reverberating in my soul as I prepare my lessons for the day's class. Certainly, this is my passion. This is what I like to do. This job keeps me going .

All these years, my life is focused on building people's lives. The task is challenging yet inspiring because I see people growing and achieving something in their lives. I feel fulfilled when I see my mentees reaching their life's dreams and aspirations. Take for instance , a student of mine who just emailed me recently and expressed his gratitude towards GIT . Currently he is working overseas and about to go home for vacation. Stories like this makes me feel relieved and always grateful to God for his continuous provision, strength and wisdom in my life as I continue to do my task of educating. Certainly, life is fulfilling if you help other people achieve their dreams :)