Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Open Letter to God

Dear God,

All this time, I realize one thing that keeps me believing and trusting in you. Though I may have a number of questions underlying my mind with respect to the various challenges I am facing this moment, yet it can’t be compared with the realization that I learned from you. This realization makes me confident that inspite of the different concerns of this world, my God is able to help me realize my dreams and aspirations. Although my dreams seem so big than me but God’s Spirit bears witness in my spirit that in His Time all things are made beautiful. Certainly, God destined everything in his purpose; however, he still respects my will to accomplish his stuff. In other words, God is still dependent on man’s will to choose His purposes rather than man’s personal preferences. In my case , as I continually align myself in his ways, I am making myself closer to the completion of the dreams He has planted in my heart. Thank you Lord for making my life a journey to enjoy; an opportunity to explore and a battle to overcome. In you I trust everything. In you I hope unswerving. In You I live loving.

your loving son,


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Morning Devotion - 26 August 2009

Text : Joel 2
A. Message
1. God's invading army is courageous and beyond compare. Their enemies tremble as they see them in full gear for battle.
2. God calls for his people to return to him in full repentance from their wickedness.
3.God promises his people a full bunch of blessings and favor as they repent sincerely from their wickedness. Surely he satisfies, protects and performs great things for them.
4. God sends autumn and spring rains to his people which signifies his awesome concern for them. In addition, he restores the things that were stolen from them. They are assured of being full at all times in contrast of having suffered from lackness because of their sinfulness.
5. God pours out His Spirit upon all people that will help them in various situations of life.
6. God warns his people with signs and wonders prior to his second coming in the days to come.

B. Application
1. Keeping myself connected with God enables His abundant blessings to overflow in my lifetime.
2. Being sensitive to God's dealings helps me to be prepared always from any form of eventualities.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Passing Away of a Great Leader

There has been argument in the past whether leaders are merely born or even made. In the ancient times, the former argument seemed only to be logical since leadership in those times were handed from generation to generation. However, in these recent centuries, there had been a belief and actual incidents that leaders can also be made. The case of late President Cory Aquino is a perfect example to this effect. Previously, when her husband NINOY AQUINO was still alive, she used to be her buddy in all her husband's life's endeavors more particularly in politics. The late Senator NINOY described his wife as the person he loved three times. These was during the time late CORY was young; became a mother of their children; and when he got prison during Martial Law for seven long years. There was even a poem written by latE NINOY on this regard which in 1987 was given melody by popular Filipino composer and singer Jose Mari Chan.

The life story of the late PRESIDENT CORY AQUINO is a life worth considering since she sacrificed most of her life for others. She served as NINOY's wife and her children's mother even during the most crucial part of their lives. She remained firm and dedicated to her roles as circumstantial events occurred in her life. She was even more determined when assumed the presidency of the Philippine Republic in 1986 which paved way for the restoration of democracy which was purchased by the blood of many filipinos in the past from the nation's colonizers. Today , when the nation needs her most especially during the political crisis of our nation, she is gone and nowhere to be consulted which was her consistent role after her presidency. Nevertheless her legacy of dedication, sacrifice and service could be regarded as inspiration for every Filipino who seeks for total liberation from corruption, poverty and disunity.

Each Filipino deserves a good life even in the midst of global crises. By May 2010, every filipino voter will elect another bunch of leaders that will lead our land. It is my hope and prayer therefore that every filipino will elect someone who possess similar qualifications of the late CORY AQUINO which is described as selfless, sacrificial and service. I hope that in the days to come we get more replica of CORY's trademark of sensible filipino traits. Truly she is not merely an ordinary FILIPINO but a great one that seeks FREEDOM beyond measure. God bless our beloved PHILIPPINES !