Sunday, June 28, 2009


Overwhelmed by the goodness of God in my life , I am almost bursting my tears as we sing the Australian anthem in our Graduation Ceremony. The affair is dignifying and humbling as I received my diploma on Master of Education in Adult Education at University of Technology, Sydney. The emotions behind the affair is indescribable considering the sweet victory attained from a year long learning journey of hardwork, determination, struggles and challenges. Nevertheless, I find the experience worth sacrificing for because it unlocks doors of further realizations in my life as a servant leader, educator and entrepreneur. These realizations bring me to appreciate profoundly my existence as one of God’s masterpiece. Certainly, God has stored immeasurable resources in every human being that needs to be harnessed for his greater glory and service for mankind.

Confronted with the realities of life back home , I am more equipped to tackle them as I traverse the next phase of my life. Life in my home country after a year of postgraduate study in Australia might be another leap of adjustment since I am attuned to Aussie lifestyle and culture; however, I feel thrilled and upbeat as I think of reforms that I will be bringing to my workplace. I maybe considered a small voice shouting in the desert by that time but certainly that voice will bring resounding positive impact to my sphere of influence. All these remarkable insights would indeed be tested as I put my feet on Philippine soil on 15 August 2009. By that time, I could then say that the real battle of the next chapter has just begun